Dec 27, 2007

Christmas day.

We had a great Christmas day in St. Louis, with Sara's parents and Ninny. After a relaxing morning spent round the tree, opening presents and eating oh-so-sweet 'Christmas goodies', and an afternoon watching new M*A*S*H episodes, our friends the Bedenbaughs came round to join us for Christmas dinner. It was a really good day, and we all enjoyed ourselves.

Here is a selection of the presents Sara and I received:

(James: note the three volumes of Reformed Dogmatics! Awesome.)

Dec 26, 2007


From this...
to this...

On Saturday afternoon, I attempted to make bread. However, that failed. So, on Sunday I tried again, and managed to make a pretty good white loaf. I was a little salty, but not bad for a first attempt.

And then on Christmas eve, I tried out (with the help of the mother-in-law) our meat-grinder and sausage stuffer, which we got as wedding presents.

Now I just need to raise my own wheat and pigs, and we will be well on our way to being self-sufficient!

Dec 17, 2007

Snowed in with you....

Pictures from a perfect weekend......
This is what we woke up to on Satuday morning

Snow falling.....

Perfect time to curl up and finish the pile of thank you notes

We warmed ourselves with blueberry pancakes.....

And attempted to make our way to my parents house for an afternoon of baking and warmth from the fireside....

This was the veiw Sunday morning from our front window

Gulf Drive from our Dining Room Window....

The Fire Escape

Alex's footprints in the snow

We got almost 7 inches of snow!

So we stayed inside and ate a yummy meal of pot roast, potatoes, and some sad lima beans.

Snowed In With You
When you come homeAnd all the world's asleep
I'll close my eyesAnd breathe with sweet relief
This world has had you
Long enough for now
And when I get you homeI'll show you
I wanna get snowed in with you
I wanna shake off these winter blues
These ain't no blues that I can use
And when the lights are gleaming
I'll be leaning into you
What's a girl to do?
I wanna get snowed in with you
I'm gonna make every effort to
Be so good to you
That when the snow melts away
You'll want to stay
Snowed in with me
Till it's time to take down the tree
And it's all I really need baby
To be alone awhile with you
What's a girl to do?
Drift with me While we're still awake
Every new snowflake Is like a wish we make
Dream with me Leave your cares far behind
Is all love snowblind?
Let me awake in time to find
That I'm snowed in with you
I'm gonna make every effort to
Be so good to you
That when the snow melts away
You'll want to stay
Snowed in with me

Dec 14, 2007

Atherton Christmas

I have been trying for some time to put up a post about how our apartment is looking for Christmas, but every time I try to put the pictures up, blogger goes funny, so I am trying again, and apologizing for the lack of postage. We do not yet have internet in our apartment, and so Covenant Seminary or Bread Co. are the providers of our blog-access these days, which, perhaps, is why we are not so good at posting. It could also have something to do with our lives really not settling down yet. We seem to spend a lot of evenings out, either shopping or visiting, or something. Getting married just before Thanksgiving has meant that we are landed in having a home to set up, and holidays to prepare for and celebrate all at once, while also trying to get yet more paperwork done for my status to be changed. So, right now I am am kinda longing to a routine-rut to get stuck in! I am sure it will come though, in the 2008.... maybe.

Well, 8449 Atherton, 1W is looking pretty festive these days. We got our decorations up a
few weeks ago, and the little apartment is looking good. Here are some pictures -

Our Front Window.

Our Front Window.

Our Tree.

Our backdoor and dining room.

The word is that we are in for some this weeked. We had some ice last week, but nothing as bad as Oklahoma. That cleared up, and it even got up to 60 one day! But the forecast is 2-3 inches of snow tonight, which is pretty exciting! I feel sorry for our squirrel in weather like this though... he must get cold feet. Hopefully next week I will post some pictures of it... but we have heard those promises before!

Dec 5, 2007

It's Official!

Our friend.

We have a friendly squirrel that likes to hangout on our fire escape and he likes to come to our kitchen window when we are eating breakfast.

A Saturday Adventure.

A few weeks ago Alex and I bundled up and made a long trek out to Pere Marquette State Park and went for a hike. Here are a few pictures from our adventures:

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