Dec 20, 2008

20 weeks.

Taking pictures of one's stomach is a little harder then it looks! I think its funny that as I"m documenting the growth of my gut in the background on the tv is and commerical for "The Biggest Loser"! I am feeling much better these day, I'm enjoying pretty much any and all kinds of food, I get tired pretty easily, and let's just say my emotions run on high at times. We had another ultrasound last week and the baby has 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 eyes, 2 ears, 10 fingers, 10 toes, a brain, a spine, a heart, and had a case of the hiccups. It was amazing to watch. I've started to feel a few little movements but am waiting with anticipation for the big kicks to come. The doctor says everything is going according to plan and we just continue to anxiously await this little one's arrival while continually debating on names!

Candy making.

This year for Christmas gifts I tried my hand at candy making. I put together boxes with Georgia Pecan Toffee, individually wrapped pieces of butterscotch, coffee drops, pralines, and a nice big piece of fudge. I really enjoyed the process and only had a few setbacks!

Christmas on Jones Street.

We realized this week that it has been over a month since we last posted on the blogs. So, with no more excuses (I don't feel sick, We found the camera cord, the house is clean, etc..) we have parked ourselves at the local coffee shop, Alex is reading, and I'm posting a few little updates. As you can see we've decorated our humble little home for Christmas. The tree had to be elevated on some boxes because a 5' tree looks a little sad when you have 12'+ ceilings. We've decided that this might be the tree's last year with us. He refuses to stand up straight in the stand and leans towards the window. And, we never did manage to get ornaments on the tree, just lights, but it still is pretty! We've been busy the last few weeks with Christmas parties a plenty, Christmas shopping, and getting ready for our trip across the pond to be with Alex's family for Christmas. Well, our last party is tonight, the presents are all bought, and the bags are mostly packed. Monday at noon we'll be on our way!

15 Weeks....

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