Sep 5, 2011

1 Month Old.

James Campbell Brown
1 Month Old
9.14 Ounces
22.5 Inches

Campbell went for his 1 month appointment last week.  Campbell is a happy and healthy little boy.  It looks like he might have inherited the long lost Poncy/Fisher tall genes.  He's in the 75% for his height!

James' Birthday Party

On Saturday we went to Savannah to celebrate Ada's best friend's birthday. The Spencers rented a giant inflatable water slide for the backyard. Ada was not interested in sliding during the party. We stuck around for a little while after the other kids left and Ada gave the slide a try. She loved it and we could hardly keep her off it! After a couple of hours of sliding we went inside to open presents. It was a great party and a good time with friends!

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