Jan 11, 2010


The Sunday after Christmas we had Ada baptized. Neither of our mother's had the gowns that we were baptized in, so, my mother made a new gown for Ada (and hopefully all our future children) to wear. It is long, simple, and elegant- a true family heirloom. Ada's name and the date of her baptism has been embroidered on the inner slip of the gown. My grandmother crocheted the bonnet that Ada wore. It was a special day and we were so thankful to have our family with us. Ada did fairly well during the baptism. She got a little fidgety right before it was time for us to walk up but Alex kept her occupied. Once we went to the front of the church she really started to make some noise (no crying just talking) but quieted down as soon as Rev. Johnson sprinkled her head with the very cold water. Apparently during the prayer she kept giving him the evil eye as if to say, "I can't believe you just got me wet!" Though he claims she was looking at him longingly and hanging on his every word! We celebrated after the service with a lunch at our house with some dear people from church. (I didn't get pictures of the lunch-- too busy playing hostess!) Here are some pictures with the family and a slide show of photos that our friend Nate took.



Better late then never, right?
Here's a little review of our Christmas celebrations here in Savannah:

Christmas Eve: The stockings were hung by the chimney with care......

Presents wrapped and waiting under the tree:

Ada, with Granny Brown, in her Christmas dress and hat.

Opening a few special presents on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Day:
Cinnamon Pull-Apart Rolls for breakfast

Ada ready to start opening presents.

Ada learning to stack rings with Dolly.

Ada has on her hat from Auntie Isobell and is putting on her new lipstick.

The loot. It took us 2 days to get all the presents opened--
it takes longer when you have to stop for naptime!
It was a great Christmas for Ada. She got lots of wonderful new toys and enjoyed being the center of attention. We had a great time with our families and enjoyed hosting our first Christmas. I can't believe I didn't get any pictures of our meals. For breakfast we enjoyed french toast casserole, sausages, scrambled eggs, and smoked salmon. Christmas dinner was Prime Rib, roasted potatoes, mashed potatoes, mashed turnips & carrots, creamed spinach, and pumpkin pie for dessert. It was a lot of work but hand-down one of the most delicious meals!

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