Jul 30, 2010
Time to Catch up.
I'm gonna bite my pillow.
We have noticed in the last few days that Ada has been enjoying biting things. Sometimes she does it when she is happy, sometimes when she is frustrated, and sometimes, we think, just because she can. We're watching here closely, though, because we don't want her to start biting people. This morning she got frustrated that I wouldn't let her type on the computer so she bit the couch pillow!
Studying for Ordination.
One afternoon I went to get Ada up from her nap and found that she had pulled down one of Alex's notebooks into the bed with her. Upon closer inspection I discovered that it was one of his study guides for his ordination exams. I guess Ada wanted to beef up on her Church History!
Jul 13, 2010
Swim Lessons.
Ada and I have been going to the local community pool every morning for swim lessons. She loves the water and is a definitely the champion swimmer in her class!
Jul 4, 2010
Jul 1, 2010
Jun 19, 2010
Pictures and a promise.
Is anyone out there? Have we lost all of our followers? We sure hope not! We promise we will be back soon with lots of updates. In the mean time check out the pictures our friends Nate and Laura took a few weeks ago.
May 20, 2010
Saying goodbye to 105 Jones.
May 11, 2010
Birthday trip to Saint Louis.
slept a lot of the drive back to Savannah.