Apr 30, 2009

Last Picture...

Here is the latest, and final, picture of the "Baby Belly":

Our due date is Monday, 4 May, and as you can see Sara is about ready to pop! At our last appointment with the Doctor the baby weighed around 7 and a half pounds, and is definitely running out of room in there.

This time next week we will, probably, be able to put up a picture of our child! And will be able to tell you if it is a him or a her.

Stay tuned...

Apr 11, 2009

A bed for the Babe.

Yesterday evening our bassinet arrived in the mail. We spent a few minutes putting it together and now, thanks to my parents, we have a place for the babe to sleep. It is so exciting to see our apartment start to fill up with baby items.
We are ready to meet this little one and welcome him/her into our home.

Baby Shower, Part Deux

Last Monday night the ladies at IPC hosted a baby shower for us. It was a lovely evening and we received so many wonderful gifts. We now have a Pack 'N Play, a bouncy seat, lots of books, clothes, blankets, and so many other exciting things for Baby Brown. Now, we just need the baby!

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