Aug 19, 2008

An update.

Well, its been awhile since I've posted on this here ol' blog so I thought I'd put up a quick update. I apologize for the lack of pictures of late, but our furniture still hasn't arrived (a long sordid story to be saved for another day) which means I don't have that pesky cord to upload photos. So, my words will have to paint a picture for you!

We've been busy settling into life here in Savannah. Well, settling as much as you can without furniture. Friday was a bit of an emotional day filled with several heated conversations with our movers. In the evening we ventured out of downtown and found the closest Publix (Publix is the grocery store I grew up shopping at and I am thrilled beyond measure that I get to shop here again!) and also discovered another favorite grocery store, The Fresh Market. On Saturday we made a trip out to the beach and went for a walk amongst the sea-bathers. We didn't stay long because it was overcast and we only had enough change to buy 40 minutes at a parking meter. The rest of Saturday we just spent chilaxin' in our hotel room. Its been nice to have a change to just take naps, veg in front of the tv, and rest alot after the stress of moving. Sunday was a great day at church. We met lots of great people and alot of our anxieties about being in a new church went away. In the evening we went out to Point Pleasant (the camp that IPC owns on Wilmington Island) for the evening service and a meal. Yesterday Alex had his first day of work and loved it! (I won't say much more, though, I'll let him share.) In the afternoon we had out of town guests for a few hours. Alex's aunt and uncle along with their friends stopped in town for a few hours to see our new city on their way from Florida to Canada. We enjoyed having them. I'm afraid I might have walked their legs, off, though. A word of warning- the Savannah tour is a walking tour when you come to visit the Browns! Today Alex has been at work and I have been exploring the city on my own. I found the closest Target, got a library card, and now am hanging out in my most favorite place in the city, The Paris Market, which is a delightful little gift shop and cafe where you can get unique french inspired items and where, currently, I am enjoying the most deliciously refreshing beverage- a lemon pomegranate french seltzer. If you come to visit me I'll bring you here so you can partake in the joy that this lovely pink drink can bring!

Well, my friends, its off to explore some more. We'll get pictures up as soon as we can. Until then pray that Jose shows up with our furniture next Monday.

Oh, by the way, Happy Birthday to my dear friend Sarah Hager!

Aug 14, 2008

We are here in Savannah!

We arrived safely in Savannah around 3.30pm this afternoon (thursday). Our stuff was picked up by Jose, and friend, on tuesday and we left St. Louis yesterday morning. Because our little car is pretty old we let him have it easy - we drove at 55-60mph almost all of the way to Chattanooga (getting there almost entirely one tank of gas!), where we spent the night in the Alumni guest room at Covenant College. For dinner that night we went down the mountain into Chattanooga to Sticky Fingers Barbecue, and had some pretty tasty ribs. We left Chattanooga around 8am and drove the rest of the way. It has been a long drive, but we are here, safe and sound. Our stuff will arrive either tomorrow or saturday - we will find out tomorrow morning when it will get here. But as for tonight we are relaxing in our hotel room, and will go and stroll around downtown.

(We took pictures, but the cable for getting them from the camera to the computer is packed in our coffee table. We will post pictures as soon as we have that, and a internet connection in our apartment by which to do it.)

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