Feb 18, 2008

Life with the Mrboons.

Well, we have certainly been slackers when it comes to blogging. We apologize for leaving all of our many readers (um, all 3 of you!) with weeks and weeks of not knowing what is going on with the Browns. I'm sure there are many rumors floating around the cyberworld about us but I assure you at least 90% of them are false. Alex started school 3 weeks ago and has been busy learning Hebrew vocab, reading about New Testament Cities and archeology, and studying about campus ministry. He spends a lot of time in the library at the seminary and wishes they would keep it a little warmer. I have been busy settling into my new job at Covenant Church where I am working as the Children's Ministry Director. I'm loving what I am doing and really enjoying getting to know the children and families at Covenant. When not at work and school we are enjoying being newlyweds and just love spending quiet evenings at home in our cozy little apartment (I'll try to get pictures up later this week). On the immigration front, we've had a few frustrations of late, the biggest being last week when Alex's Adjustment of Status application was returned to us with a rejection notice attached to it. According to the USCIS we did not pay the proper filing fee for the application. This seemed odd to me because I checked with at least 3 or 4 immigration officials before I mailed the application about the filing fee. So, I called the 1-800 helpline, and, after about 40 minutes on the helpline with several different immigration officials, I was told by one officer, "Whoever read your application must have been sniffing glue." Makes you feel confident in the USCIS, eh? So, we wrote a new check for the same amount and mailed it back hoping that the next person to review it won't be a glue sniffer! We have recently talked with another couple here in Saint Louis who has gone through the same process and we were encouraged to hear that they received their greencard about 8 months after they filed their application. So, maybe by the end of the summer we'll have something.

Well, that's the update on the Browns. Hopefully we'll do better about posting on a more regular basis.

The most magical place on earth.....

While in Florida, Alex and I got to enjoy one of our Christmas presents: tickets to Disney. I grew up about 2 hours away from The Magic Kingdom so many birthdays and summer days were spent with Mickey and the crew. It was a lot of fun to share Disney with Alex for the first time. Unfortunately, our timing was not the best, considering we went on New Year's Day along with about a million and a half of our closest friends and relatives. Despite the crowds we had a good time.

Celebrating New Year's Day with all our close friends.

Alex racing around the speed track.

The monorail.

Our feet were tired and cold after a long day of walking around. Having fun is hard work.

Speeding around the Merry-go-round.

The castle was beautiful at night with all the sparkling lights.

My favorite meal....

There is a restaurant in my home town that I have been eating at for as long as I remember. Whenever I go home its on the top of my list of places to go and visit. This place has been exactly the same for the 20 some years I have been eating there, same tables, same decorations, same menus, same waitresses, nothing, and I mean NOTHING has changed. I was so excited to share the pleasures and delights of a meal at Fat Boy's with Alex.

Florida Pictures....finally.

Our Little Cherry Bomb that took us from Saint Louis to Crystal River and back.

John Deere Tractors in Lecanto, Florida

We spent a Saturday at The Villages with Sam and Carole. The Villages is a large retirement community in Central Florida that is just amazing! Everyone there drives golf carts and they come in all different styles!

We also got to see Tucker play basketball in a tournament at The Villages.
He's a stud on and off the court!

We traveled down to Florida to see friends and to attend Amy and Bibb's wedding.

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