Jan 27, 2007

So, I am home. Back in Carnoustie. I got back at 6pm(ish) this evening. The travelling was good, and pretty hassle free. Although I had to walk a lot in Minneapolis and Amsterdam.
Well, I am home now. But in 39 days, Miss Sara arrives here! Woo hoo! I could not eat until she comes here and not do irreversable damage to my body - thats not a long time at all! Yo!

Jan 17, 2007

We've been everywhere man....

Sorry we've been away from the blog for awhile. We've been busy with weddings, travel, and, well, just being together! Here are just a few pictures from our adventures.

Kir's wedding in Dallas

Pere Marquette State Park in Grafton, IL

Mary's wedding in Saint Louis

Metropolis, Illinois The Home of Superman
(we'll dedicate an entire post to Metropolis in the coming days so stay tuned...)

Interstate 24 in Kentucky

Nashville, TN

Lookout Mountain, GA (that's Covenant College!)

Atlanta, GA

Fields of Cotton in Southern Georgia

Tampa, FL

We'll get pictures from Florida posted soon. Keep checking!

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