Oct 30, 2006

It's always better when we're together.

A few pictures from the recent trip across the pond.......
Sunday evening in Broughty Ferry

A walk on the beach

A big wave came out of nowhere!

My boots have been in the North Sea and now the North Sea has been in my boots!

A walk on the beach.

That's the man I'm marrying! Lucky, lucky, lucky me!

The charming town of Carnoustie


Yeah, its always better when we are together!

Oct 26, 2006

Roll on 26 December!

Last night I bought a ticket to fly over to see my fiancee on Boxing Day! It is very exciting, and I get to be there for a whole month! It cant come quick enough... 8 weeks, 5 days and counting...

Oct 24, 2006


I'm back in the ol' U.S. of A. Feeling a bit jet lagged. Missing a certain Scottish boy a lot. I'll get around to posting some pictures and write about the trip over. Right now I'm trying to weed through a bizillion emails and re-enter life at work.

Oct 11, 2006

I'm leaving on a jet plane.

I'm taking off in a few hours for Scotland. Um, I'm pretty much totally excited!
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Oct 4, 2006

the future mrs. dennis.

and now much happiness for Mary and Allen.
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Oct 2, 2006

the future mrs. tracy.

Congratulations to Kirstin and Daron.
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